Bring in Your Box Tops This Week

The October Box Tops deadline is this Thursday, October 24. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents for PS 217 which helps fund many of the enrichment programs that our children receive throughout the year. Not only that, but the class with the most Box Tops submitted will win a Popsicle party. So please don’t toss ‘em…clip ‘em!

Extra collections sheets can be found in Room 108 but you can also send in Box Tops in a plastic bag labeled with the student’s name and class number. Please make sure that the Box Tops are not expired. Glue or tape the Box Tops to the collection sheets (no staples please). Visit for a list of eligible products.

Box Tops will be collected again later this year, so please continue to save them at home. The 411 will let you know the next school collection date.
