Middle School Corner

Attention all 5th grade parents!!! Middle school fairs are in full swing! Middle School Open Houses will take place during the months of October and November. We will send home as much information as we have regarding open houses.

Tuesday, October 6 @ 3:00PM and Wednesday October 7 @ 8:15AM we will host workshops for those interested in getting help through the admission process. Both workshops will cover the same topics.

If you would like your child to be tested for Mark Twain, please fill out and send back ASAP the 2016 RFT (Request for Testing) Form.

Check http://schools.nyc.gov/ChoicesEnrollment/Middle/events/default.htm for the latest DOE information on middle schools

or contact Mara Dubovici (Room 108)
718.434.6960 x1081