Parents Association Meeting on Friday, 04/28/2017 @ 8:15 AM

Our next Parent Association meeting has been rescheduled for Friday, April 28th at 8:15 AM in the Cafeteria! We hope that you will join us. Topics of interest for all parents will be discussed. You will:

  • learn about the nomination process for the Parents Association Executive Board!
  • hear Executive Board members discuss the responsibilities associated with their jobs
  • hear about the many upcoming events and how you can be involved

We have several positions within the PA that will be vacant for the 2017-2018 school year and we are excited and hopeful that new volunteers will decide to join our executive board – we need both elected officials and committee chairs! Time commitment varies, so please don’t opt out if you are interested but worried about the time commitment – there are positions both big and small! The current executive board can help suggest positions that are a good match for your interest, time availability and skills.

Please attend the general PA Meeting on Friday, April 28 and hear more about the various positions on the PA. Elections will be held in May, and we are excited to start identifying interested volunteers now, especially for the elected positions of President(s), Vice President(s) and Recording Secretary.

As always, light breakfast will be served and translation will be available.