P.S. 217 Staff Appreciation

It is a tradition at P.S. 217 to give our faculty and staff a small gift each Fall to recognize the adults that do so much for our children.

The Parents Association wants to thank all those who contributed to the Staff Appreciation Day bags that were distributed last week. Our gratitude goes out to parent Murat Urayoglu (below), owner of Brooklyn’s Hungry Ghost coffee bar and café  and the source for the delicious chocolate chip cookies. We also want to thank our neighbors Milk & Honey for the coffee vouchers and Flatbush Food Coop for the fresh Bosc pears. Our friends at Fairway Market in Red Hook contributed the bottles of water.

Those of us on the Parents Association who helped organize the bags would love to share the fun with other parents. If you would like to be involved in the spring Staff Appreciation day in March, please let Ute know.