Pennies for Patients 4/9 – 4/29 

 Pennies for Patients is a meaningful campaign that aims to not only raise money to fund research for therapies that save the lives of lymphoma and leukemia patients, but also to teach children valuable lessons of empathy, service, leadership and philanthropy.

We are proud to join the numerous schools in the city and in our district who are partnering with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) in their effort to find cures for blood cancers. PS 217 will run a Student Series Pennies for Patients program between April 9 and April 29, 2018. While families will be invited to donate any amounts they can afford, from spare change to online donations, our teachers will explain the meaning of this campaign to our children, by incorporating specially designed STEM, service learning, character building and philanthropy lessons in their curriculum. Through these STEM inspired lessons and activities students will practice the scientific method, learn more about careers in science and research and develop their curiosity about scientific questions and answers. They will definitely learn valuable lessons about the importance of making an impact and “doing good” in life.

Because of the efforts of YOU and everyone at PS 217, we will be one step closer to a world without blood cancers!

Our online page is now live at:

If you wish to create a fundraising page for your own child, you can easily do it by choosing Join Your School Team link on our school’s page. Share it on social media with your friends and family so that they can also support your child’s fundraising effort!