Reminder: Winter Concert and Potluck Dinner

Come celebrate the season and our school’s diversity at the annual winter concert and community potluck dinner on Wednesday, December 17 beginning at 5:00 pm.

The Parents’ Association invites you to express pride in your heritage while treating your fellow P.S. 217 families to a tasty dish connected to your culture. What might that be? Rice and beans? Dumplings? Pierogis? Samosas?

After you’ve enjoyed your fill of tasty multicultural food, join us in the auditorium at 6:15 pm for a festive concert of traditional and contemporary songs performed by our 4th and 5th grade chorus.

The suggested donation for the concert is $3.00, but the potluck dinner beforehand is FREE.

To volunteer to bring a delicious dish to share, or to help serve that evening, please contact or text/call 718-875-9875.
